How Acupuncture Helped My Anxiety
Change is possible and anxiety is not something you need to live with forever.
Jan 28, 2019Change is possible and anxiety is not something you need to live with forever.
Jan 28, 2019According to a 2016 report, regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee may prevent liver cancer in some people, though it’s not clear why this works.
Jan 14, 2019“Acupuncture has a cumulative effect on your health overall. And if you’re less stressed, are sick less often, sleeping better and waking more restful you are going to be more productive.”
Jan 14, 2019Short-term improvements in symptoms suggest massage could be a safe and effective treatment to complement to the management of knee osteoarthritis.
Jan 9, 2019The most important meal of the day is exactly as advertised.
Jan 9, 2019“Some of the symptoms of the winter pattern of SAD include having low energy, overeating, craving carbohydrates, and social withdrawal. Light therapy has become a standard treatment of SAD, and antidepressants have also been shown to improve SAD symptoms.”
Jan 3, 2019Having trouble sleeping? Sleep not only affects your physical health, it has a big impact on your mental health as well. When you don’t get the 7-9 hours of quality sleep you need, it can heavily influence your outlook on life, energy level, motivation, and emotions.
Jan 3, 2019Are you a shift worker? There is a new study linking shift work with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even a decline in brain function. What can you do about it?
Dec 17, 2018The people who got caught up in the exercise boom of the 1970s and stuck with it into their senior years now have significantly healthier hearts and muscles than their sedentary counterparts.
Dec 17, 2018Want to improve the overall severity of fibromyalgia? Might be time to try tai chi.
Dec 17, 2018