What are Acupuncture Points, and How Do They Work?
Acupuncture is an ancient bodywork technique with thousands of years of history in traditional Chinese medicine. Even so, the Western world only began accepting and …
Acupuncture is an ancient bodywork technique with thousands of years of history in traditional Chinese medicine. Even so, the Western world only began accepting and …
The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body. It comprises five nerve roots that originate in the lower back, travel …
Applying ice to injuries used to be a no brainer. New research is suggesting otherwise. To Ice Or Not To Ice An Injury?
What are the risks of too much sitting? https://www.jadestaracupuncture.com/blog/sitting-disease
Stressed? Might be time to take that hike or walk. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/just-20-minutes-of-contact-with-nature-will-lower-stress-hormone-levels-4694?fbclid=IwAR0tbquLejLxHvXos2h0oBwK0HM4KK9yvdGBF1VNAFVt2k8LgTDcVd-kaT4
Very simple changes to your daily routine is the key to brain health. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/morning-exercise-can-improve-decision-making-across-the-day-in-older-adults-4711?fbclid=IwAR3mg2pNX3vKHE_k3PIA04bclGFrYR9jQaKFDJgwNKHLO6alrkGaGaFPyw8
Fighting Fatigue with Traditional Chinese Medicine https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-26693/an-energizing-duo-the-2-ancient-rituals-that-fight-fatigue.html?fbclid=IwAR0gM_a8NQTRs8Nd8fNV7FmI5H9oZZwFZ6PpFFyUzBKe8axe0EKicAo-PCk
Is your knee sore? Thinking about a corticosteroid injection? You might want to rethink that decision. https://braceworks.ca/2017/05/16/health-tech/knee-osteoarthritis-steroid-injections-offer-no-benefit/
“Ultimately, the results can help us understand how chronic sleep problems, sleepiness and tiredness contribute to psychiatric conditions, such as by increasing the risk of …
“It is important to know that organs have strong relationships with one another, so if one is affected, the others are too.” https://thechalkboardmag.com/know-strange-connection-organs-emotions/
For millions of people who live with pain, acupuncture is no longer an exotic curiosity. It’s now widely accepted among the medical community. How will …
Inactivity and rest makes pain and osteoarthritis worse, not better in the longer term. Our joints need movement and exercise to stimulate repair and keep …
“Unlike western medicine, Chinese medicine and acupuncture takes into account a patient’s whole being, and we address the entire body — including the physical, emotional …
“There is solid science that consumption of sugary drinks is associated with adverse health outcomes. Thus, it may be prudent to limit intake until we …
We’ve all heard the saying “trust your gut” & now there is science behind how bacteria in your guts affects your mind & body. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/bacteria-gut-affect-mind-body/story?id=60908589&fbclid=IwAR0wl6dMxyW8gzSQ42aADxGh55xtgdScJnA3-937n3f8QXwdU2II2xzJO4k
Sleep really is the best medicine. https://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-02/rup-grd020619.php?fbclid=IwAR24msbJQ8PHoGOYaITmwtlHU7Aljxf6GarEASiPoWPVcFph7ZJjCUALdDo
Men… it’s time to get moving. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/exercise-gives-older-men-a-better-brain-boost-4553?fbclid=IwAR1sBOcNb9JlUA70skolaIn198TjDWOdjMcngVCZAw0Gc0TPhVqgrhTVrZc
This study is the first randomized clinical trial on treatment of acute concussion. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/concussion-treatment-adolescent-athletes-prescribed-aerobic-exercise-recovered-faster-4536?fbclid=IwAR0D-fSbYefFMuSYlhKFPg_hrA8j5aGqejPEQj_LtayyHklG_Z4OdclP8hI
Could mindfulness classes help to improve children’s mental health? https://uk.style.yahoo.com/thousands-school-children-practice-mindfulness-meditation-bid-improve-mental-health-112635832.html?fbclid=IwAR0zxDT-02LWnFBc6-wGrrqSg3H1FFkMBNDy0RQxe3NADdvnyNTofRKmhFE&guccounter=1
“We don’t know yet whether getting adequate sleep as people age will protect against Alzheimer’s disease. But it can’t hurt, and this and other data …