Exercise gives older men a better brain boost
Men… it’s time to get moving. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/exercise-gives-older-men-a-better-brain-boost-4553?fbclid=IwAR1sBOcNb9JlUA70skolaIn198TjDWOdjMcngVCZAw0Gc0TPhVqgrhTVrZc
Men… it’s time to get moving. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/exercise-gives-older-men-a-better-brain-boost-4553?fbclid=IwAR1sBOcNb9JlUA70skolaIn198TjDWOdjMcngVCZAw0Gc0TPhVqgrhTVrZc
This study is the first randomized clinical trial on treatment of acute concussion. https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/news/concussion-treatment-adolescent-athletes-prescribed-aerobic-exercise-recovered-faster-4536?fbclid=IwAR0D-fSbYefFMuSYlhKFPg_hrA8j5aGqejPEQj_LtayyHklG_Z4OdclP8hI
Could mindfulness classes help to improve children’s mental health? https://uk.style.yahoo.com/thousands-school-children-practice-mindfulness-meditation-bid-improve-mental-health-112635832.html?fbclid=IwAR0zxDT-02LWnFBc6-wGrrqSg3H1FFkMBNDy0RQxe3NADdvnyNTofRKmhFE&guccounter=1
“Use it or lose it — until you use it again” https://www.massagetherapycanada.com/research/muscle-memory-discovery-ends-use-it-or-lose-it-dogma-4523?fbclid=IwAR25q4AHeAJNXWwY1-OfmNPTihC1Fq53XQBZYXh9docaAYk78Kb2TotPdvE
“We don’t know yet whether getting adequate sleep as people age will protect against Alzheimer’s disease. But it can’t hurt, and this and other data …
According to a 2016 report, regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee may prevent liver cancer in some people, though it’s not clear why this works.
The most important meal of the day is exactly as advertised. https://www.boston25news.com/news/trending-now/skip-breakfast-science-says-that-may-increase-your-type-2-diabetes-risk/896004069?fbclid=IwAR1FzGOavfoChkXbqHYTtL8DKUA_IBiycdKOpAmEXaitWpI0ajwQi50LyfY
“Some of the symptoms of the winter pattern of SAD include having low energy, overeating, craving carbohydrates, and social withdrawal. Light therapy has become a …
Having trouble sleeping? Sleep not only affects your physical health, it has a big impact on your mental health as well. When you don’t get …
Are you a shift worker? There is a new study linking shift work with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even a decline in brain function. …
The people who got caught up in the exercise boom of the 1970s and stuck with it into their senior years now have significantly healthier …
Want to improve the overall severity of fibromyalgia? Might be time to try tai chi. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/894331?src=WNL_infoc_181213_MSCPEDIT_TEMP2&uac=310255AJ&impID=1829199&faf=1&fbclid=IwAR2eYYikNApqs3DVi3B6ibbeSzJNO1Ztuc5PYy4JtlKNuwICAEF-wNJbfYY
Milk. It does the body good. Right? Wrong! https://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/conventional-milk-destroys-bones-inside-causes-osteoporosis.html?fbclid=IwAR2pP-6IpASci2JjS65erWlQ_-wCE3jjbYrG7RZbo0I-itKR5gmJlZw48eM
It may be good for your health in the long run if you are able to shrug off stressful events. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/holding-on-to-stress-could-affect-health?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=hms-twitter-general&fbclid=IwAR2tq1KikaYQECj5toYbXULAdAqAw2fDfl-WsKEnNblBjmvzJEMhGCbdg8Q
“Why exactly does someone feel better after massage? Or acupuncture? Or foam rolling? Or a chiropractic adjustment, or wearing K-tape, or doing mobility drills, or …
A large study says omega-3 oil can dramatically reduce the odds of a heart attack while vitamin D’s benefits seem to come from lowering the …
Your digestive system is considered your second brain for a reason… How Gut Health Impacts Your Overall Health
New research reveals that cold weather makes it harder to fight off a cold infection. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/scientists-finally-prove-cold-weather-makes-sick/?utm_source=FBPAGE&utm_medium=social&utm_term=20181025&utm_content=1845823755&utm_campaign=NOVA+Next&linkId=58612040
Research shows acupuncture can be effective in the treatment of chronic pain sufferers. https://interestingengineering.com/new-study-suggests-acupuncture-can-remap-the-brain-to-relieve-chronic-pain?fbclid=IwAR0RT8tqh_xjbx7g_-b0jOHd6DigvxT5vPfqFFg1k0nvbf8PmCW2g6Smns0
Check out the new Canadian pregnancy guideline for exercise. New Canadian pregnancy guideline shows exercise cuts odds of major complications by 40%